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Published: July 16, 2024

15 July 2024

Website vs. Social Media: do small business owners really need a website?

As a small business owner, you know that taking your business online is essential in today's digital age, but the process can feel overwhelmingly complex.

You wear many hats – from managing day-to-day operations to ensuring your business grows and brings enough income. Adding another hat for online presence? That's where it feels like you're being buried in hats. Your mind starts to spiral with thoughts like:


"I don't have the technical skills to go online."
"I'm unsure which platforms and strategies to use."
"What if I fail or make costly mistakes?"
"I don't have time to create content."
"Where do I even start?"


Feeling this way? You're not alone.

In this article, I'll discuss the two most accessible options for going online: using social media channels and creating a website.

I'll explain the advantages and disadvantages of each to help you decide where to focus your effort and which hat you need to wear—social media manager, website creator, or both.

Spoiler: I am a fan of the "BOTH" option.

Three Spider-Men pointing at each other meme. The first Spider-Man is labeled 'Social Media,' the second Spider-Man is labeled 'Website,' and the third Spider-Man is labeled 'Doing both,' representing the confusion over managing Website vs. Social Media

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The Power of Social Media

Alright, let's talk social media. As a social media manager, I can tell you this: if you're not doing it yet, you're missing out big time. Social media like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok are places to show your business to a bigger audience on a budget.

Below are the main benefits of a brand's social media presence and my tips. 



Reach and Engagement: increase the top of the funnel


When your content is engaging and relevant, users are more likely to share it with their networks. This expands your reach without the need for paid advertising. It's like word-of-mouth on steroids. In digital marketing, reach represents the top of the funnel. The wider the top, the more chances you have to gain new customers at the bottom.



Engage in Real-Time


One of the best things about social media is the ability to interact with your audience in real-time. Comments, messages, and reviews are goldmines for building strong customer relationships. Answer questions, respond to feedback, and show your audience that you care. Plus, some people prefer not to make phone calls but still need information. Social media allows them to write a direct message (DM) to ask questions and get the details they need without the anxiety of a phone call.



Familiar and User-Friendly


Instagram users expect a bio at the top, story highlights with important info, and so on. People are already familiar with the layout of social media platforms. All you need to do is utilize these tools effectively. For example, highlight your restaurant menu in Instagram Stories or update your business hours on Facebook.



Show Off Your Brand's Personality


Stand out by embracing your personality and creating authentic content. I recommend being genuine and letting your brand's character shine through. One of my favorite slogans is "Be different or die." It's a bit dramatic, but you must stand out to be recognized and build your brand on social media.



The Impact of Going Viral on Your Online Presence


While it is possible, going viral shouldn't be your main goal. A high number of views can bring more attention to your business but not necessarily sales. Remember, no success comes overnight, so keep your expectations realistic, but stay creative.



Why You Need a Website in 2024


I've dissected the benefits of social media for business. You are probably thinking, why should I even care to build a website?" Websites are considered to be a bigger investment time—and cost-wise. Well, that was before the AI revolution. Now, in my opinion, websites need even less effort than managing social media accounts. Let's see what a simple website that you can do yourself can give your business.


Open for Business 24/7


Even if your primary business is offline, a website can provide 24/7 access, showcase your product catalog, enable online transactions, gather customer reviews, and provide personalised recommendations. This attracts new website visitors, increases sales, and enhances overall customer engagement.



Your Playground, Your Rules


Your website is your playground. Choose fonts, animations, layout, and content – every detail is under your control, with no limits or censorship.



A Permanent Address in the Digital World


Your professional website is owned by you and is not affected by algorithm changes. Unlike social platforms, where you have to play by their rules, a website is free from algorithm shadow bans, format limitations, and restricted accounts.



Build it Yourself: No Coding


Websites are not expensive in 2024. With easy-to-use website builders like WebWave enable even complete beginners to create a website in one day.

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Be Found: The Power of SEO


SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is about optimizing your website to rank higher in search results. Why should you care? It's an opportunity to get organic (free) traffic over time. You can use tools like Google Analytics to get a fuller overview of traffic and conversion.




Make a Professional Appearance


A website provides information about your business and gives it a reliable, serious, and professional appearance. A well-made page creates a solid first impression.


If I've made it right, you'll probably say, "Well, great. All these benefits seem cool, but how on earth am I supposed to choose between social media and a website if they are so needed? It's like choosing between mom and dad." 


If you are in a place where you have the resources to do both - my sincere recommendation is to do both.


Let's see how to SQUEEZE the most out of your time and effort. 



The Best of Both Worlds: How to Use Social Media and a Website Together efficiently 


The trick here is to cross-promote where you can and co-coordinate. These are 3 easy strategies how to do that: 



  • Use social media to drive website traffic


When creating a post, remember that you should include a call-to-action (CTA). Basically, it's a phrase or a couple of words to tell people what they are supposed to do, e.g., "Read the full article on our blog," "Book now on our website," "Register by following the link in bio," etc. This way, you will direct people to your website.



  • Use reviews and user-generated content from social media on your website for a higher conversion


People search for social proof. Social media are constructed to motivate people to share their experiences. Use it! If any of your customers gave you a review or made a photo or video with your product or service, use it on your website. 



  • Synchronize content and promotions across both platforms


If you are hosting an event, promoting your services, or offering a discount, ensure users can find you on social media and your website. Social media promotes, while the website gives more information and proof.




If your resources are very limited, here's a quick guide to help you decide where to put your effort - social media or the creation of a website. 



Cheat Sheet: easy way to decide on Website vs Social Media



Businesses Where Social Media Strategies are More Important:


Social media marketing is great for visual, interactive, and frequently updated content, making it ideal for businesses that thrive on visual appeal, customer engagement, and real-time updates.

  • Restaurants and Cafes

  • Beauty and Personal Care Services (Salons, Spas, Barbershops)

  • Local Retail Shops (Clothing, Accessories, Gifts)

  • Artisans and Craftsmen (Handmade Goods, Custom Products)

  • Fitness and Wellness Instructors (Yoga, Personal Training)

  • Event Planning and Entertainment


Businesses Where a Website is More Important:


A website provides a stable, professional platform for detailed information, transactions, and services, making it essential for businesses that require credibility, comprehensive information, and a structured online presence.

  • Professional Services (Consulting, Legal, Accounting)

  • Healthcare Providers (Doctors, Dentists, Therapists)

  • E-commerce Businesses (Online Stores)

  • Educational Services (Tutoring, Online Courses)

  • Real Estate Agents




How to choose between social media and a website for a small business - recap 


Deciding whether to start with social media or build a website with AI as a small business owner is like renting a booth at a bustling market or building your own shop. Social media is like renting a booth at a busy market. It lets you quickly set up, attract foot traffic, and engage with potential customers in a lively environment. While creating a website is like building your own shop. It provides a permanent, branded space that you fully control. Customers can visit anytime, learn about your offerings in detail, and make purchases. 

I believe combining both will provide the most value for your business. Cross-promote and synchronize content and promotions; you will get the most out of your time and effort.

As a small business owner, you must know your time and priorities. Based on the nature of your business, you can choose the medium—website or social media. 

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