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Published: 13 June 2024

13 June 2024

How to Find Your Target Audience? Learn from Gymshark Brand 

Finding the right target audience and tailoring your brand message to them is not an easy task. This is because the process involves several ways of communication, which, although effective, can often be quite incomprehensible. How important is the target audience for a small business? How do you find your target audience? What tools should you use? These, and other doubts, I will try to dispel in this article. 

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What is a Targeted Audience?

A target audience is a specific category of customers that you choose to target in your marketing efforts. These are the people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services and share numerous common characteristics, such as age, gender, income level, and purchasing behavior, for example.

The goal is to target advertising and product offerings to the right audience to best meet their needs and preferences, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

While defining your target audience can start with a broad view of your audience (e.g., trying to reach young adults), we recommend being very precise in defining your target market. This allows you to personalize your content and influence your audience's decisions more effectively — the more detailed information you have about them, the better.

Most likely, some people outside your target audience will decide to buy your products, but you don't have to burn through your budget on marketing to people who are much harder to convince making that conversion. Finding the right audience will also help you with social media marketing.

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Proper definition of the target group on the example of the Gymshark brand


Gymshark website

The Gymshark website is a typical large e-commerce website. From the very beginning of the experience with the site, we are confronted with the history of the brand. Their content, product categories all communication on the website is filled with insight. This aimed at people who go to the gym and only to them, they have a clear niche and do not deviate from it, making them expressive. 


example of e-commerce website


They have a very extensive blog, with articles with exercise tips, and clothing or accessory reviews. They also have partnerships, such as being a sponsor of the GYM GIRL OF THE YEAR poll.


Gymshark marketing activities


The product sheet is done, and they have a cool section with customer ratings in different categories — the categories are again full of language specific to their target audience. This treatment allows audiences/prospective customers/clients and identify with their message at each stage of the sales funnel.


customer ratings


On the product page, they also give hints like "people also like" and "people also bought" - a great upsell idea.They have a very good selection of influencers - they look like people going to the gym, it builds credibility and authenticity.


How can you get inspired?

A small business doesn't have as many opportunities to advertise or collaborate with Influencers. However, it doesn't change the fact that you can be inspired by the Gymshark brand and how it has created its target audience. 


What can you do like Gymshark?

  • speak with the voice of your community
  • the brand is one with the community, show that you are part of the community
  • don't be afraid to show your story - focus on the "About us" section
  • diversify your social media to catch as many people as possible
  • insert vertical videos on the page - a great idea for "About Us" section
  • language very much tailored to your target audience
  • build your authority through content - give sources, write substantively and about things they know about
  • as you take pictures of your product, keep your target group in your mind at all times - show them in the pictures, whether as models or as an environment


7 Strategies to Identify Your Target Audience 

The target audience is the people for whom you create your content. Any marketing campaign must take into account the needs and expectations of these users, as only then can it prove to be truly effective. To make the process of building an advertising strategy a little easier for you, we have prepared a list of elements you should pay attention to when determining your target audience.


Segment your audience

List the following factors on separate sheets of paper and describe each as it relates to your customers. A company that sells children's clothes, for example, should target its message to young mothers, while the automotive industry should target people over 18. Understanding your target will help you find the channels of communication and the language you should speak. Perhaps social media platforms will be most appropriate for you.


Conduct thorough research

Researching your target audience is one of the most important steps before deciding on a target market suitable for your brand. Before you find the group of people you want to target with your message, you need to get as much information as possible about your company's potential customers. Here are the elements you should then pay special attention to:

  • audience behavior;
  • income level;
  • buying habits;
  • interests;
  • education;
  • location; age; occupation; gender;
  • social media behavior.


Take a look at current customers

Another form of determining audience characteristics is to analyze your current customers. To more accurately define your target market, it's also a good idea to look at the consumers who are already using your services. If a group stands out among your target audience that regularly browses your site, takes certain actions on your site, and follows your social media profiles. Take a look at their characteristics, and study their habits, interests, and behaviors, as this information can prove extremely valuable in the process of making further marketing efforts.


Investigate your competitors' activities

Another way to define your target audience is to analyze your competitors' activities. Reviewing your rivals' industry websites and observing their social media activities will certainly help you determine who might be interested in your offer. You don't have to target ads to the same audience. However, analyzing their characteristics can prove very useful when developing your own marketing campaign.


Types of Target Audience

How to reach your target audience? Target audience is the group of individuals that a specific product, service, or message is aimed at. Identifying your target audience involves understanding their pain points, interests, behaviors, and preferences. One way to define your target audience is by creating a persona, which is a detailed profile that represents your ideal customer. Through social listening and social media analytics, you can learn more about your target audience on various social channels. Once you have a clear picture of who your target audience is, you can tailor your marketing strategies and content marketing to reach your audience effectively.


Benefits of a Well-Defined Target Audience

Steeling one perpetual target market simply doesn't work in the long run. Why?

You're potentially limiting your audience. Do you sell T-shirts with funny captions and Ice Age prints? Create separate marketing campaigns for each of the above groups. Remember, however, to think carefully about whom you want to target with your message before doing anything like this. 


A properly constructed website

If you know who you are targeting with your product/service, it will help you greatly to create a website that is friendly to your audience. Bedziesz know what content interests your potential customers, what to offer them, how to arrange your product offer, what to put on the homepage. If you have doubts - you can seek help in our article - small business website
On the other hand, you can create a website yourself in our AI website builder in just 3 minutes.


Personalized communication is the key to success

Users, seeing an advertisement that has nothing to do with their interests or current needs, will most likely be ignored. By precisely defining our target audience, we can tailor the content in our communications to meet the needs of our potential customers. In this way, we can create the impression that our communications are tailor-made for our customers. Understanding of your target audience will help you in sales. 


Better results and user engagement

By precisely targeting activities, we can ensure the maximum possible effectiveness of the message. Constant optimization of the target group based on the results achieved will allow us to generate continuously better results. Consumers, as a rule, can respond better or worse to our messages, for this reason, it is very important to regularly check the results of our actions and optimize the audience.


Establish a close relationship with potential customers

Consumers appreciate it if a brand reaches them with a tailored message and addresses their interests or current needs. Such communication improves the relationship between the brand and the consumer and builds loyalty. It is crucial to correctly define the needs of our potential customers and reach them with a clear and simple message that will get them interested in our offer.



Knowing your target audience is the first and the most significant step to success in any industry for a small, medium, or large company. It allows you to personalize your message to fit their character and thus increase sales. And after all, that's what we wanted all along!

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